It started with a lunch, a pumpkin, a rice krispies treat and continued on from there.
These pay-it-forward offerings came on the heels of a busy week of meetings, assorted tasks, and driving through detour-ridden traffic on a rainy day which might have been the icing on the cake.
Tracy saw that it was a non-stop week for the boss (more than usual) and took it upon herself to show her appreciation for all that Steve does for the team and his clients. Just a little something to say, ‘I see what you’ve done here, and thanks.’
So she bought him lunch – D’Ags on Mass. Ave. to be specific. The next day a pumpkin showed up on the desk. The next, a Halloween inspired rice krispies treat was handed off like the Holy Grail. A slinky, a rubik's cube, golf balls, etc. and ‘The Seven Days of Steve McKenna’ evolved into a fun diversion and the next busy week felt a little easier for everyone.
A mutual respect among colleagues is a sign of a healthy working environment. Teamwork makes the dream work as they say, but sometimes a little team fun can pay off in the long run.