The Arlington tax override was passed this past spring, but many remain under-informed.In June of 2011, the Town of Arlington passed a $6.5 million tax override. It was at times a controversial and vocal debate for town residents - with both 'for' and 'against' sides posing valid arguments. The 'Yes' vote won with an intent to restore the public schools' core services, improve our roads and increase support for service levels in all town departments. With the override also came a 7.5 percent property tax increase, which could increase the average homeowners' property tax bill by $500/year.
The implications of the property tax increase will affect many, but particularly those on a fixed income.
The Arlington Board of Selectmen, State Senator Ken Donnelly, The Arlington Board of Assessors, and the Arlington Council on Aging hosted an information session on tax exemption programs available to Arlington residents.
Many seniors, and others who may qualify for exemptions, should take a moment to learn about the important programs that are available to them. It could be time well spent.