We like what we like. And when it comes to deciding on a favorite street in Arlington, what we like can vary for many reasons.
One person commented:
"I have lots of favorite streets in Arlington. The list is long. Even after living in town for more than twenty years I still come upon nice streets I had not seen before. We have some walks we regularly take through neighborhoods that have many of our favorite streets. Back in the 1980s, before I moved to town, my introduction to Arlington included parking on Academy Street, where I was impressed by its variety of interesting houses, mature trees and landscaping, and proximity to the Center. I don't live on Academy St. yet still remember it as a nice intro to the town."
These are definitely points that resonate with a lot of people: walk-ability, mature trees, interesting houses, proximity to town.
Another person felt very strongly:
"Edmund Rd. No contest."
Arlington has no shortage of streets that could be deemed 'favorite' for any number of reasons. And when people feel a connection to a place - whether it's a street or a town or a home, it's something that will always stick with them.
"I have an affection for a great city. I feel safe in the neighborhood of man, and enjoy the sweet security of the streets." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow